12351 Grant St, Unit 360
Thornton, Colorado

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Dance Classes in Thornton, CO
(303) 457-2165

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Important Dates: 2024-25 Full Dates Calendar

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The Nutcracker Suite in Thornton Colorado

The Nutcracker Suite

The Nutcracker in a Nutshell
Premier School of Dance invites you to join us in this magical holiday tradition following Clara as the Angels guide her to the Land of Sweets. Join in her delight as she marvels at the dancing Candy Canes, darling Bon Bons, waltzing Flowers, and the beautiful Sugar Plum Fairy.

Premier's Ballet classes, from Level 1 to 6, will unite to transform the stage into a wonderland of treats. Each Level will be assigned a dance to be rehearsed during class time in the weeks leading up to the performance weekend. Ballet 6 Princes and Princesses will rehearse with Ballet 1-5 dancers during their class time and at dress rehearsal.

There is a small fee for participating in the production, which includes costume rental and production costs. The performance is in conjunction with our Annual Holiday Show which incorporates routines from the other styles of dance offered at Premier.


"Wow! You did it again! I know I say it every year, but it was an amazing recital!"

LISA C (Parent)